An update on Starfinder’s kids during COVID-19.

April 30, 2020

Dear Friends,

I’m writing to update you on Starfinder’s programs and how we are continuing to fulfill Starfinder’s mission of soccer for social change- in new ways – during this public health crisis.

Starfinder is practicing physical distancing, not social distancing. 

We are working hard to stay connected with our youth and building new forms of virtual engagement to help them maintain structure in their day-to-day lives, be part of a positive social network, and stay physically active.

  • We are dropping off soccer balls so kids can stay active.
  • We provided loaner laptops to our students so they can work on college applications and “attend” school online.
  • We are holding regular workouts on Zoom with our teens six mornings a week.
  • We are checking in on our youth regularly and using social media and various online platforms to make sure they can stay connected to their coach-mentors and to the Starfinder community.

Like you, Starfinder is faced with the uncertainty of what the next few weeks, or months, may look like. Our young people need us now and will need us more than ever when the lockdown lifts. We are doing everything we can to prepare for that moment. Sports are a uniquely powerful tool for healing trauma, fostering community, and building resilience.

COVID-19 has challenged us in new ways, but Starfinder’s mission – and our commitment to it – remain rock solid.

Thank you for supporting Starfinder’s kids,

Heidi - for email




Heidi T. Warren

Executive Director