Don’t need the whole field? Rent our End Zone space, located directly adjacent to our main field. This 15-yard by 35-yard playing area is perfect for:
- Goal Keeping training
- Private Soccer Lessons
- Softball/Baseball Pitching Practice
- Lacrosse Shooting Practice
- Quarterback Throwing Lessons
- Speed and Agility Training
- And Much More….
End Zone Field rentals are available all year round. For more information or to reserve the End Zone today, contact:
- Email
- Call 267-239-6669
If you plan to rent our space, please click here to create an account and view the rental calendar. Please note: actual field availability may differ from what is indicated on the calendar.
 Play It Forward.
Proceeds from field rentals and events at Starfinder represent a critical contribution to our programs, which aim to transform the lives of youth from underserved communities. Every time you use Starfinder’s field, you become a part of inspiring real social change in our community, one kid at a time.